Supervisor / Town Board
At the Town of Livonia, we pride ourselves on efficiency and quality. We hope you experience the same thing when you tour our web site. I would encourage you to attend meetings and events that you will find on the site and read meeting minutes so you can keep up with what is going on in our community. I hope you find everything you need here. If not, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Livonia is a small town with a population of about 7,800 and is made up of six hamlets, including Lakeville, Livonia Center, Hemlock, South Livonia, South Lima and the Village of Livonia. The town is bordered by two Finger Lakes: Conesus Lake on the west and Hemlock Lake on the east. You will find our parks easily accessible and ready for your enjoyment. The town has a free concert series at Vitale Park on Sundays in the summer. You will find this information and more right here on our web site.
Eric Gott, Supervisor
Town of Livonia
Town Board Meetings
Town Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the Town Hall, 35 Commercial Street
All meetings are open meetings, and the public is encouraged to attend and provide input

Town Supervisor
Eric Gott
Town Board
Matt Gascon
Pete Dougherty
Andy English
Joseph Breu

Contact Information
Eric Gott
(p) 585-746-0620
(f) 585-346-9122
Committees: County Traffic Safety Board, Joint Waterworks Liaison, CLA Liaison
Tessa Taylor
(p) 585-572-3100
Board Members
Matt Gascon
Highway Liaison, Hemlock Lake Park Liaison, Trail Liaison
(p) 585-346-6136
Pete Dougherty, Deputy Supervisor
Town Rec/Youth/Baseball Liaison, Library Liaison
(p) 585-346-0999
Andy English
Vitale Park Liaison
(p) 585-346-6673
Joseph Breu
Emergency Services Liaison
(p) 585-346-9668
Attorney for the Town
James Campbell